Mitch Webb has lived with black mold toxicity in his past. He had no idea what was making him sick until his apartment was tested for mold.

Mold toxicity symptoms mimic so many other diseases and can be one of the last conclusions most people come to after exhausting all other avenues.

Mold Exposure Symptoms can be any of the following:

Fatigue, Weakness, Aches, Muscle Cramps, Unusual Pain, Ice-Pick Pain, Headache, Light Sensitivity, Red Eyes, Blurred Vision, Tearing, Sinus Problems, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Joint Pain, Morning Stiffness, Memory Issues, Focus/Concentration Issues, Word Recollection Issues, Decreased Learning of New Knowledge, Confusion, Disorientation, Skin Sensitivity, Mood Swings, Appetite Swings, Sweats (especially night sweats), Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems, Excessive Thirst, Increased Urination, Static Shocks, Numbness, Tingling, Vertigo, Metallic Taste, and Tremors

As you can see, the symptoms can be very misleading, and doctors can go on a wild goose chase trying to diagnose you.

The good news is, as previously mentioned, Mitch was exposed to mold and found his way back to health after he finally was diagnosed. Black Mold exposure is one of the things that motivated Mitch to become an Integrative Functional Licensed Health Coach.

Coaching you back to health from Mold Exposure

As you know, the first step is eliminating mold from your environment. Your steps back to health from mold exposure need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and under a doctor’s medical care. Mitch Webb does not give medical advice.

Learn more about Mitch’s integrative approach to health transformation coaching.