My Story

My Story Mitch Webb

Hello, I’m Mitch Webb, and in my early 20’s I was living the American dream.

After spending nearly, a decade in the corporate world as a Sales Executive I got sick and didn’t know if I’d live to see my 30th birthday. I had a six-figure income, expense account, company car, bright future and a beautiful wife but I was dying on the inside. After suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury while traveling abroad in college, I was extremely stressed and rarely slept, had regular panic attacks, my joints constantly hurt, and my Doctor told me I would no longer be able to exercise.

Like most people in today’s society, I was doing the best I could to hold it all together with pharmaceuticals and booze with no relief in sight. Then things got worse…

Continued Decline

I moved into a house with toxic black mold and developed Lyme disease, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, and I was almost 100 pounds overweight.

Three months after living in the house with black mold, I quit sleeping and developed arthritis in my entire body while my mind began to decline rapidly from the Lyme infection.  I would often get lost driving, even in my hometown and I realized my memory was slipping away from me.

I was in a constant state of suffering and saw no way that I could go on living with this much pain and anguish, I was scared.

The Turnaround

Over the next several years, I dove into the latest research I could find, applied what I learned and eventually got my life back by applying the same principles that I share with my clients.  I observed the folks that we’re kicking the most ass in the Health industry and applied what they all had in common. I got immensely better and realized anyone could benefit from what I learned.

It’s now my purpose and passion to help others take control of their health. I love helping my clients at Mitch Webb Health Transformation Coaching to apply the same principles that helped me recover from illness and watch as they achieve similar results.

I specialize in helping individuals, like myself, that have busy careers, who are increasingly concerned about their health, sleep deprived, overweight, overly stressed and lack the energy to get out of bed in the morning.

I help people TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR HEALTH and give them the ability to LIVE A MORE OPTIMAL LIFE full of energy and free from anxiety, by implementing a personalized road map for long-term weight loss success.

It is an honor to share my journey and experiences with others in hopes of changing someone else’s life for the better.

Mitch Webb Media Coverage

If you’re a podcaster who’d like to have Mitch on your program, contact him here, or view his profile on

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from National Alliance on Mental Illness, NC: Treating Trauma from the Inside Out